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Almond Honey Granola

This granola is simple, nourishing and delicious! This is

Add this to your,

→ Chia Puddings for some added crunch,

→ Yogurt for some as seen below,

→ Or even have it on it's own with a dairy free milk and some fruit as a cereal!

This one is an instant favourite to have on hand!


Hi there! I'm TB- your fitness bestie and simple recipe creator! As a nutritionist, I love cooking but I don't like to spend too much time in the kitchen or follow complicated recipes. So here we are! I focus on creating simple easy peazy recipes with as much whole food ingredients as possible! If you know me- my motto is, "eat how you want to feel in your body". Hope you enjoy the recipes as much as I enjoy creating them!

Would love it if you tagged me when you make a recipe of mine: @tania_butkevich 

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